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Database Management

Understanding Database Management

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 33 views

There are many methods to manage databases and access those databases through MySQL users effectively. It is possible that your previous management system managed the database differently from ServerKade.

Therefore, understanding database and access management is very important if you are just getting started with ServerKade.

In ServerKade, we use a simple database management technique that is effective and provides security by isolating users to a single database only.

Here is a visual representation of database management in ServerKade.


In this diagram, there are multiple MySQL databases on a single server. Then, there are multiple database users for a single database. Usually, when you create a database in ServerKade, you will also be asked to create a user for that database.

That user will have full access to the assigned database only. Or, you can say that a database user belongs to the database. It means that the database user’s credentials cannot be used to manipulate or see the data on other databases hosted on the same server.

You can have as many database users as you want under any specific database. You can also create database users with remote host (IPv4) to enable remote access to your database. You can learn more about it in the “Create Database User” section.