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What is a Server? | Product Documentation

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It is important to understand what we mean by a server if you want to connect a server with ServerKade.

A server is any kind of cloud instance or remote server, such as VPS, Dedicated, Bare Metal, or a local server.

The server should have a clean Ubuntu operating system without anything already installed, especially a web server or a live server currently hosting a website. If you try to connect a server that conflicts with ServerKade, it will stop the installation and return an error message.

Here are the basic requirements to connect a server with ServerKade:

  • Accessible Port: If your cloud platform or server provider has a firewall, enable incoming connections on port 43210.
  • Public IP Address: The server should have a public IP. If the IP changes, you can reconnect your server by updating the IP address in ServerKade.
  • Supported OS: Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 24.04.

Understanding Server Management

You can connect one or more servers to a single ServerKade account. You can connect a server from any cloud platform or traditional server provider, as long as the installation requirements are met. You will be able to manage your server with ServerKade.

Here is the structure of server management:

An Image

You will have access to the servers you own or are a member of an organization(s). You can be part of multiple organizations and own multiple organizations.

Finally, let’s see the features available at the server level.


  • Automatic configuration
  • Application/Site Management
  • Live Resource usage info
  • Change PHP-CLI version
  • Manage Services
  • Manage Users
  • View Logs
  • Manage Cronjobs
  • Manage Databases
  • Migrate sites
  • Disk Cleaner
  • Share Server

You have all the essential features to efficiently manage your server. Now let’s see the structure of server management in ServerKade.

In the next section, you will understand the meaning of an application and the features at the application/site management level.